One of the priority tasks for building designers is to provide fire safety of modern buildings and structures, one of the indicators of which is to provide the normative limit of fire resistance of building structures. Wood – one of the oldest building materials – is widely used in construction until today. Together with the positive properties as building material, it has both negative. One of these properties is its flammability.

The impregnation of wood takes place in autoclave ovens and contains several impregnation schemes that distinguish among themselves the sequence of operations affecting wood with increased and reduced pressure of impregnating fluid and air. That is, alternating the sequence of changes in the level of pressure and temperature and the duration of these operations, they control the impregnation operations in accordance with the requirements of the quality of impregnation. According to DBN V.1.1-7-2016, wood intended for use in construction should be treated with fire retardants. 

For fire protection of wood using fire retardant impregnation, paints, varnishes, tiles, plaster and film coatings. As an independent method of fire protection, it is possible to consider the coating of wooden structures with rigid screens (fireproof sheets, plates, panels). Different ways of fire protection have their advantages and disadvantages. According to the existing differences in their operational properties, they have different applications.

The methods of testing the wood in various ways are described in the work, the method of impregnation is described and the schemes of the installations for wood impregnation are shown in various ways.

Vacuum drying requires sophisticated equipment. But such drying can only be justified if it does not allow for a reduction in strength (for example, for load-bearing building structures and beam bars). Therefore, such technology is being introduced at enterprises for the production of building constructions.

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