Теоретичний аналіз та практичні можливості використання органічних відходів агропромислового комплексу як один з шляхів до економії енергоресурсів в Україні


Ляшенко А. В. / Liashenko A. V

Інститут технічної теплофізики НАН України

The main suppliers of minerals to crops today are chemical fertilizers. A good example of the implementation of efficient and environmentally friendly agro-industrial production are farms with closed loop motion biomass and energy – the so-called bioconversion complex. Their main components – crops, livestock and energy are closely interrelated and can be balanced. Today, great importance is also the production and use of microbial preparations for agriculture. The basis of their nitrogen-fixing is, phosphorus and methane bacteria. They are able to enrich the soil for plants readily available forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, increase feed efficiency, increase the efficiency of obtaining alternative fuel (biogas).
According to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine for the past 10 years fertilizers have been made within the 60–70 %, and organic – in 5–7 % of the sown areas required by their number. In total sown area of Ukraine annual fuel savings in wide use organic, organic and mineral fertilizers and microbiological can reach millions of tons of fuel.
The based on theoretical analysis and practical implementation in the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, NAS of Ukraine developed and used in the production energy and resource efficient technology and equipment for the production of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers and microbiological preparations.

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