Визначення швидкості набору когезійної міцності литої емульсійно-мінеральної суміші на ортофосфорній кислоті


Солодкий С. Й., Волліс О. Є.*, Сідун Ю. В / Solodkyy S. Y., Vollis O. Ye., Sidun Yu. V.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів,
*ТОВ “Пролог ТД”

In the present scientific work there is done the comparative analysis of two cast emulsion-mineral mixes (CEMM) – systems on orthophosphoric and hydrochloric acids. It was determined that application of orthophosphoric acid for preparation of bitumen emulsion on oxidized bitumen leads to the substantial improvement of cohesion strength build-up rate – in comparison with identical system on hydrochloric acid. To receive the similar indices of cohesion strength build-up – the orthophosphoric-acid-based system allow using less amount of bitumen emulsion than it is required for the system on hydrochloric acid.
The results received witness about the different natures of breakage and cohesion strength build-up rate for systems on hydrochloric and phosphoric acids. As a confirmation of this fact there can be considered the possibility of using (in the systems with orthophosphoric acid) the aggregates which by methylene blue criterion are unsuitable for such technologies.
The orthophosphoric-acid-based CEMM-systems’ properties received allow forecasting the substantial advantages of using these mixes in limit-permissible, for bitumen-emulsion technologies, ambient temperatures.

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