Експериментально-статистичне моделювання тріщиностійкості бетонів, армованих поліпропіленовою фіброю. Частина ІІ


Солодкий С. Й., Турба Ю. В. / Solodkyy S. Y., Turba Yu. V.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів

One of prospective construction materials, which allow compensating such concrete lack as low tensile strength and high destruction fragility, is continuously reinforced concrete – fibrous concrete. Presence of reinforcing fibres in concrete provided that their content is optimal is densifying, raising homogeneity and reducing the risk of cracking, which allows to project higher endurance, dynamic stability, abrasion, frost-resistance and cement concrete life on the whole.In this article scientifically proved the implementation results of three-factor and three-level experiment for cement concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiberwith the selected technological factors of influence (fiber consumption; the ratio of fiber length to the maximum size of coarse aggregate; the coefficient of grains sliding of coarse aggregate), statistical analysis and optimization of the research results. Done conclusionswhen researched characteristics of concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber reache the maximum value at the respective ratios of selected technological factors.

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