Серія «Динаміка, міцність та проектування машин і приладів»

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices" has the thematic orientation of the industry in the fields of engineering sciences " of Machinery's science ", "Mechanical Engineering", " Industry Mechanical Engineering " Transport".

Results of scientific research of the faculty of Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of Lviv Polytechnic National University National and other authors are published in the Journal. Topics of dynamics and strengths of machines, devices and vehicles, and development and calculations of promising technological equipment are covered.

The collection is designed for scientific, engineering and technical personnel of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, for faculty, graduate students, masters and students of higher educational institutions and is an authoritative scientific publication that covers the actual results of theoretical and experimental studies scholars. Included in the list of editions of Ukraine.