Modelling vocational training of specialists for the speciality 017 “Physical culture and sports”: ways and methods of incorporating regional peculiarities and needs in conditions of the stage education

Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Problem setting. Improving vocational training, advancing professionalism of specialists in the field of physical culture largely determines the success of its leading role in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of diseases, formation of humanistic values, as well as in creating conditions for comprehensive harmonious development of a human, promoting the achievement of physical and spiritual perfection of a person, revealing the reserve potential of the organism, forming patriotic feelings in citizens and positive image of the state.

Recent research and publications analysis. Various aspects of managing the development of education in the field of physical culture were studied by such scientists as: B. Averyanov, V. Andrushchenko, T. Boichenko, E. Borodin, C. Vavrenyuk, V. Horashchuk, I. Gasiuk, O. Dubogai, M. Dutchak, N. Kalashnyk, O. Mozolev, L. Sushchenko, O. Shyian. The study of peculiarities of modelling the objects in educational space are devoted both to works of general character (M. Hrabar, I. Grebenov, L. Itelson, S. Markova, V. Mikheyev, A. Ostapenko, K. Krasnianska, E. Chuprunov), and works that offer models of the content of training (A. Hembaruk, O. Katkova, L. Novytska), pedagogical and educational systems (M. Zaprudskyi, M. Ihnatenko, D. Levites, O. Nesterenko) and, in particular, the vocational training of specialists in physical education culture and sports in higher education institutions (Yu. Briskin, T. Matviichuk, N. Stepanchenko). However, the issues of ways and methods of taking into account regional peculiarities and needs, in particular, at the stage of modelling vocational training of specialists in the speciality 017 “Physical culture and sports”, in the conditions of decentralization of power and development of the stage education in Ukraine are not sufficiently covered in modern scientific research.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The proper realization of the social role of physical culture and sports is facilitated by the improvement of the modelling processes of vocational training in the conditions of the stage education of specialists in the speciality 017 “Physical Culture and Sports” by taking into account regional peculiarities and needs for ensuring the development of physical culture in its main spheres. The legal basis for modelling the vocational training of specialists in physical culture and sports are laws of Ukraine, state strategic documents, normative documents, in particular, orders, letters, instructions, methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, etc.

Paper main body. Taking into account regional peculiarities and needs in modelling the training of specialists in physical culture and sports contributes to the fulfilment of the basic requirements for the model of the educational process, namely, that it must be adequate to reality, dynamic, normative and predictive. The vocational training model of specialists for physical education and sports should be systemic, i.e. consistent with the basic structural components of the educational training system. Regional peculiarities and needs are embodied in the content, procedural, substantive, structural and subjective components of the educational process.

Ways and methods of implementing regional peculiarities and needs should be structurally and functionally defined in the model of vocational training of specialists in physical culture and sports in conditions of stage education.

This model is formed by four mutually stipulating blocks – conceptual-purposeful, designing, organizational-technological and controlling-corrective. The conceptual-purposeful block is defined by the normative-legal acts regulating the activity in the field of education, physical culture and sports and concerns the definition of the purpose, principles, and methodological approaches. The designing block covers the processes of forming the structure of professional competence of the specialist, the task and function of education of specialists in the field, psychological and pedagogical conditions for improvement of vocational training, in particular, on deepening the content of studying the disciplines of regional content, complex design of vocational training incorporating regional peculiarities of the field of physical culture and sports, using innovative technologies aimed at forming and developing professional competencies of activities at the regional level. The organizational and technological block reflects the stage of direct implementation of the educational program (curriculum, programs of educational disciplines in their structural and logical sequence) in the educational process. While carrying out the vocational training of specialists in physical culture and sports, it is important to integrate the implementation of regional peculiarities and needs, which is achieved by entering them into motivational, meaningful, technical and designing, organizational and operational components at all stages of vocational training of specialists (professional motivation, professional formation, professional identification); involvement in the educational process of representatives of relevant state and local authorities, teachers-specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, public associations of physical and sports orientation and other institutes of civil society and expert circles; expansion of regional problematics in the content of educational disciplines (cycles of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, vocational training), special courses (elective disciplines/courses), practical training (educational training practices, industrial, pedagogical practices, diploma work) and preparation of the qualification work aimed at developing students' ability to the activity in the field of physical education and sports at the regional level. The controlling and corrective block provides a process for assessing the readiness of future specialists in physical education and sports and can be the basis for holding accreditation of educational programs.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Improving vocational training, advancing the professionalism of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports to a large extent ensures the implementation of the social role of physical culture in its main areas. Determination and activation of ways and methods of taking into account regional peculiarities and needs, in particular, at the stage of modelling vocational training of specialists in the speciality 017 “Physical culture and sports”, in the conditions of decentralization of power and development of stage education in Ukraine, is advisable to be carried out systemically and taking into account the complex of theoretical and methodological, regulatory, institutional-organizational and technically-methodical components. This approach allows developing a model of incorporating regional peculiarities and needs in the system of professional training of specialists in physical education and sports in the conditions of stage education and the vocational training chart of specialists in physical culture and sports at 1 – 3 levels of higher education. Issues of ways and methods of taking into account regional peculiarities and needs at the stage of modelling of vocational training of specialists contribute to the implementation of requirements of licensing and accreditation of educational programs in terms of reflecting trends of the speciality and labour market development, sectoral and regional contexts in defining and realization of objectives and program results of training in the educational program of vocational training of specialists, which generally contributes to the quality of higher education in Ukraine. In the perspective of further studies in the direction of public management of the development of education at the regional level, it is advisable to analyze the peculiarities of vocational training of specialists for the activity in the main spheres of physical culture.

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