
Criminal-Legal Characterization of Criminal Offenses Related to Corruption in Ukraine

The article examines the criminal-legal characterization of criminal offenses related to corruption in Ukraine. Corruption has a high level of latency, it hinders reform efforts, causes significant harm, and negatively affects Ukraine's reputation in international relations. The main risk on the path to European integration lies in how willing the government structures and leadership of the country are to fulfill their obligations and meet the expectations that exist in society today.

Controversial issues of the subjective party of the criminal offense provided for in art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Controversial issues of the subjective side of the composition of a criminal offense under Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were considered. It is noted that for the characterization of robbery, the subjective side of the commission of this criminal offense is important.

On issues concerning criminal proceedings on the basis of agreements and its reforming

The article deals with the issues of criminal proceedings on the basis of agreements and its reforming, that helps to substantially simplify the entire criminal procedure, case decision, by shortening the lag time between the moment of crime and the time when the decision is upheld. However, from the other side we can observe the recession of level in a process of evidence proof in criminal cases and the violation of the presumption of innocence.