marketing tools

Ways to increase the efficiency of sales activities of the enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine in the conditions of international economic activity

The food industry in Ukraine is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, with a range of products that cater to both domestic and international markets. However, the increasing competition in the global market and the changing consumer preferences have made it challenging for enterprises in the 

food industry to maintain and increase their sales efficiency. This article aims to address this challenge by exploring the ways in which enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine can enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity.

Marketing communications as a necessary prerequisite for efficient work of a philharmony

The purpose of the article is to summarize the peculiarities of marketing communications in the field of culture and arts and philharmonic in particular, to consider the financial component of the activities of the philharmonic and to propose measures for its improvement. Analyze modern creative means and tools of communication marketing and adapt them for activities of philharmonic. The article investigates that organizations of the sphere of culture and arts and philharmonic society, in particular, operate in conditions of instability, great competition and uncertainty.