
Modification of a thread Pool algorithm with multiple task queues

In this paper, the author suggests a modification of the thread pool algorithm that was presented by Sean Parent at NDC London 2017. The suggested algorithm is as simple as the original implementation and demonstrates similar performance, while eliminating a potential drawback of the original implementation consisting in the fact that under certain circumstances, multiple tasks can be executed on the same thread, while other threads may be waiting for a task.


For many years, the increase in computing power of modern devices is achieved not by increasing the clock frequency and bandwidth of CPUs, but by using hyper-threaded and multicore architectures. This simple change in approach to the CPU design led to dramatic changes in the organization of computing and became a turning point for software developers. Software that is going to take advantage of the increased computing power of multi-core architectures must be designed to be able to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

Організація багатопотоковості на мобільній платформі Аndroid

In the article the main problems of the multi-threading organization in Android are processed and described. The basic options for cooperation of background threads and the main UI-thread of the program are considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each model interaction are highlighted.