
About correlation of Mesozoic and Cainozoic formations of Ukrainian, Slovakian and Polish Carpathians

The differencies in tire points of view of frontier Carpathian countries geologists as to the singling out and division of formations are pointed. Suggested in Slovakia ideas about principally new formative categories may be assumed as a basis of theirs correlation along ah Carpathian arc only after joint discussion of this problem by the geologists of different countries immediately on natural sections.

Scientific and historical heritage of M. Lozynsky

In this article Lozynskyi’s historical heritage is taken into account while analyzing processes which took place in Ukraine during national-liberation movement. The article states that M. Lozynskyi began his career in the well-known Lviv newspaper «Dilo», where he started to work in 1900, and later become an editor of it until theWorldWar I.