

In Ukraine, there is still a great number of unused, unidentified and substandard pesticide preparations (PPs) and other toxic substances which have an extremely dangerous impact on humans and other living ecosystems and the environment. Besides, more than 75 thousand tons of pesticides are imported and produced annually in Ukraine, but some of them are not used during the period of their suitability.

Features of determining controlling effects in functionally-stable systems with recovery of control

The features of application of the method of inverse problems of dynamics for the recovery control are considered.  An expression for the controlling force is obtained as well as simulation for the stage of determining the controlling forces are carried out.

The problems of saving and changing facades of Lviv multi-flat houses at the edge of ХІХ–ХХ centuries


У статті досліджено особливості змін фасадів багатоквартирних будівель кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. протягом їх експлуатації. Розглянуто методи та напрями збереження, відновлення та зміни архітектурно-художнього образу будинків.

The distinguishing features of the Pidkamin Dominican Order monastery sacred urban space

У статті досліджено сакральний простір Підкаменя, сформований Домініканським монастирем та каплицями, розташованими поза межами монастирського комплексу. На основі бібліографічних та іконографічних матеріалів, а також проведених натурних обстежень висвітлено історичні та архітектурні особливості каплиць.

Subpixel image processing in monitoring systems of visible wavelengths

This paper is devoted to considering of ways to improve the resolution, principles and methods of subpixel imaging technology, assessment of the development status and the latest research developments. Modern approaches to improving the spatial resolution as the main parameter of satellite images are based on algorithmic search and design solutions as the technology of manufacturing image sensors exhaust its potential for improvement. One of the major tasks of remote monitoring is to improve the quality of images, which is determined by parameters such as resolution.

Improving the Resolution of Multispectral Images by Subpixel Processing Method

The methods, their advantages and disadvantages, of fusion a low-resolution multispectral and panchromatic high-resolution image in high-resolution color image are considered. Is proposed a method to provide high-resolution, which is based on the use of sub-pixel processing, the essence of which is the handling of input data in the form of a CCD sensor arrays shifted by a half pixel with respect to each other.

The palace and garden complex in Wlodowice. Prospects for restoration against other tourist attractions of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jura

The article analyses potential restoration of a historic park and palace complex in Włodowice. 
It discusses the pragmatics of preservation in conservation practice. Furthermore, the author suggests possible courses of action designed to bring clarity to the original layout of the complex and popularize the commune as a tourist attraction.