small and medium business

Higher economic education and the needs of the modern labor market

The issue of the quality of higher economic education, and its compliance with the requirements of applicants was and is relevant for all educational systems, regardless of the level of economic development of the country. In the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine, institutions of higher education should be oriented as much as possible to the formation of competitive educational programs that would take into account the needs of the modern labor market and the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Transformation of regional policy in terms of innovation-based economy

The innovation policy of Ukraine has been investigated in the paper, its main problems have  been  revealed.  Transition  from  the  clan-oligarchic  model  of  the  economy  to  the entrepreneurship-based economy is determined as the conceptual basis of transformation of regional innovation policy in Ukraine. To ensure the efficiency of regional innovation policy in Ukraine it is recommended to implement measures for supporting of SMEs, clusters, regional innovation infrastructure development, use the social capital resource.