Administrative and legal nature of information security

: 167-179

Ostapenko O., Baik O. "Administrative and legal nature of information security"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of Law

The article considers issues related to the administrative and legal nature of information security of the population of Ukraine and its provision in the economic crisis, reducing social protection, increasing external threats from other countries and waging an information war against Ukraine by individual countries. It should be noted that the measures taken by the Ukrainian authorities to protect the state, its territorial integrity and the security of the country's population are timely. The basis of this is the Military Security Strategy «Military Security-Comprehensive Defense» (2021), which provides a set of measures, which include: − opposition of the Ukrainian state in cyberspace and imposition of its will in the information space; − establishment of reliable channels of communication with the population by public authorities… in the course of comprehensive defense; − competition of Ukraine with other states in the creation of modern information technologies (systems) in order to obtain complete and reliable preventive information for timely decision-making to ensure the military security of the state; − deployment of a secure network of information exchange between the defense authorities, which meets the requirements for information protection [1]. Among the main powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine «On the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine») is a provision on the policy of informatization and promotion of a single information space in Ukraine [2]. According to Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On Central Executive Bodies» one of the tasks of ministries is to inform and provide clarifications on the implementation of state policy [3]. Let's pay attention to the regulatory environment, which is related to the administrative and legal regulation of relations in the field of information. The main principles of Ukraine's domestic policy in the field of national security and defense, in accordance with Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine «On Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy», is to ensure the vital interests of man and citizen in the field of information [4]. The Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption» among the powers of the National Agency provides for informing the public about their measures to prevent corruption (Article 11), restricting access to certain information (Article 31), non-disclosure of information (Article 43) establishes a list of information, which is indicated in the declaration of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government (Article 46), as well as the requirements for transparency and access to information (Article 60) [5]. The importance of information and its impact on national security is discussed in Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine «On Condemnation of Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols», which stipulates that the state takes measures to raise public awareness of crimes committed by representatives of the communist and / or National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes [6]. It is worth paying attention to the powers of certain specialized bodies whose activities are related to information security in Ukraine. Thus, among the powers of the State Bureau of Investigation (paragraph 16 of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine «On the State Bureau of Investigation»), aimed at protecting national security, is to ensure in accordance with the law and compliance with legally protected secrets and other information with limited access, as well as the procedure for disclosure and access to public information established by law [7]. Openness and transparency is one of the principles of the National Police of Ukraine, which provides for: 1) ensuring constant information of public authorities and local governments, as well as the public about their activities; 2) ensuring access to public information of which it is the owner; 3) disclosure (dissemination) of information with limited access, which also applies to the publication of regulations with limited access (Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police») [8]. The decision of the National Security and Defense Council of March 11, 2021 № 106/2021 established the Center for Countering Disinformation, the main purpose of which is to combat threats to national security and national interests of Ukraine in the information sphere, combating propaganda, destructive information influences and companies, preventing public manipulation thought [9]. One of the principles of administrative proceedings in Ukraine is the openness of information on the case (Article 11 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine), which enshrines the right of citizens to receive in the administrative court both oral and written information on the results of the case. No one may be restricted in the right to receive in the administrative court information about the date, time and place of consideration of their case and the court decisions adopted in it [10].

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