Aesthetic aspect in law

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Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law

It has been found that the problem of the aesthetic culture of a lawyer as a manifestation of spirituality belongs to those humanitarian problems that are called "eternal". It is especially relevant in dramatic periods of human history, one of which is now, in particular, experienced in Ukraine, when fundamentally new life phenomena and circumstances adjust the ways and means of life choice and social self-determination of individuals. Radical changes in the worldview of man force everyone to personally comprehend the new social realities, to determine their worldviews, to realize their place and role in the process of social transformation. Under such circumstances, the problems of spirituality (in particular, aesthetic culture as a manifestation of spirituality) acquire the status of the most important.It is very important for the disclosure of human nature that a person will never be formed as a person and will not be revealed to the world without a lasting sense of inner freedom, ie such freedom that implies freedom from any ideological dogmas. It is emphasized that the question of the spiritual essence of the aesthetic in law arose in connection with the study of the nature of the aesthetic and its categorical status in different eras. However, insufficient clarity, delineation, and hence insufficient comprehensive analysis were due to the properties of social practice and cognition, the role of the spiritual component in society and human life, the peculiarities of the formation and development of aesthetics itself. It is proved that the growing attention to this problem is connected with the analysis of the following aspects of the essence of aesthetic: its ontological and phenomenological content, the ratio of objective and subjective, rational and irrational, the role of harmony in the development of its essence, the ratio of aesthetic and creative. At the same time, the very desire to study such types of spirituality as science, morality, religion, and comparing them with the aesthetic contributes to identifying the characteristics of the latter as independent spheres of human life and understanding the laws and features of the aesthetic, expanding its analysis through comprehensive coverage as external and the inner world of man. The question of the rational sphere of aesthetic and legal consciousness, which is formed as a result of mastering aesthetic experience with the help of concepts, categories of aesthetics, art history and other sciences, is revealed. Knowledge of the aesthetic qualities of work, nature, life, art perform the most important functions in shaping the aesthetic culture of a lawyer. They contribute to the theoretical design of taste preferences, assessments, beliefs and is one of the theoretical foundations of the scientific worldview of the individual.

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