Modern theoretical and legal approaches to understanding human rights

Кhrystyna Didukh "Modern theoretical and legal approaches to understanding human rights"

Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv Ph. D

The article identifies two main approaches to clarifying the essence of the definition of rights, namely: that human rights are defined as a concept and as a system of principles that provide, guarantee the conditions of human existence, norms and traditions, and as a measure of freedom and determination. component of the legal status of the person; human rights are interpreted both as the foundations of the constitutional order and as the basis of civil society and the foundation of modern civilization. Given these approaches, it is determined that human rights are strongly linked to the freedom of the individual and are its basis, a concept that reflects the value and dignity of man and at the same time his requirements to have certain opportunities (subjective rights) to make this person's life truly worthy. Human rights also define the vertical relations that are formed between man and the state and are an instrument of limiting power. The definition of these rights in the legal act creates much more reliable guarantees for their implementation. It is concluded that human rights are a common and equal for all norm (measure) of possible behavior (freedom), which is final to meet the basic, necessary needs of existence, development and self-realization of the individual, which in specific historical conditions is reflected in mutual recognition of freedom objects of legal communication (with other persons, the state and society) and does not depend on its official declaration by the state (human rights are determined by international acts), although of course it needs state recognition and guarantee. Given the various existing features that cover all categories of rights, including environmental, socio-economic, our proposed understanding of human rights is certainly not universal, however, in our opinion, it reveals the meaning and purpose of human rights.

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