Peculiarities of legal regulation of banking relations in the conditions of ukraine's european integration

: 144-150

Dmytrenko E. "Peculiarities of legal regulation of banking relations in the conditions of ukraine's european integration"

SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman”

The article considers the peculiarities of the legal regulation of banking relations in the context of Ukraine's European integration. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of European Union standards in the national banking legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. The provisions of some documents of the European Union and the peculiarities of their consideration in the regulation of banking relations in Ukraine are analyzed.

The peculiarities of the National Bank of Ukraine's banking regulation and supervision, taking into account the documents of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, have been determined. The problems of implementation of the provisions of the latter in the legislation of Ukraine under modern conditions are clarified.

A number of acts of banking legislation recently adopted in Ukraine are considered. Some ways to improve the legal regulation of banking relations in the context of Ukraine's European integration have been identified.

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