Use of blockchain technology in public governance: prospective areas of application and potential problems of legal security

: 202-212

Terlyuk O. "Use of blockchain technology in public governance: prospective areas of application and potential problems of legal security"

Master of Laws

Abstract. The relevance of the problem mentioned in the title is due to the rapid spread in Ukraine (and not only) of information technologies. It leads to the virtualization of many areas of society, and therefore to the growing importance of storing, transmitting and protecting information electronically, which is processed in global and local information systems using information technologies. Among the latter, according to many scientists (and not only in the IT sphere), Blockchain technology belongs to the leading place (and in the near future this trend will only increase). Therefore, the purpose of the article is to draw attention to the problem of using Blockchain in public administration in Ukraine; Identify the most promising applications of this technology; indicate potential Blockchain security issues. The methodological basis, prepared at the intersection of information law and the science of public administration, scientific intelligence is the dialectical method of knowing socio-political and legal phenomena and processes - it allows us to consider them in development and interaction. An important method was the axiological method by which it became possible to identify the praxeological aspects of the problem.

It is claimed that Blockchain, due to its technical properties as a constantly growing chain of blocks, verified and protected using public key cryptography, etc., has powerful prospects for application in many areas of society. It is emphasized that among the most promising areas of application of Blockchain is the field of finance, labor organization, and the electoral process. It is noted as obvious, and even belated in Ukraine, the need to use Blockchain in the electoral process by introducing electronic voting. It is justified by the thesis that in fact all the legal problems of the use of Blockchain are reduced to two main ones: jurisdiction in the use of Blockchain and the protection of private data on this technology.

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