Research of azimuth-temporal variations of the ionosphere from GNSS-stations network

: pp. 40-47
Received: December 01, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. It is necessary to examine the azimuth-temporal variations of the ionosphere during active disturbance, according to observations SULP-station and to analyze the data. The technique. As input data we selected ionofiles with regular GNSS observations of the reference station SULP-on date 1, 2, 3 September and 1, 2, 3 October 2013 at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 23 h The next step was to our choice of satellite data. This information formed in the daily Files Software Trimble Planning. The frequency of such registered user specifies the personal file. In this case, registration of data took place periodicity of of 10 minutes. Based on the selected minimum, maximum and average values of vertical electron content in the ionosphere (VTEC), we calculated the slanted electron content in the ionosphere (STEC) in September and October 2013. Represented map of the azimuthal-temporal variations in the ionosphere were made using Surfer. Results. Based on 6 daily series associated with disturbances on Sun study was conducted the azimuthal-time variations of the ionosphere on GNSS-observations referentsnoyi station SULP for period 1, 2, 3 September 2013 and 1, 2, 3 October 2013. After analyzing the value of STEC we saw that a calm ionosphere is observed in September, which is caused solar flares October 2, 2013. The most calm ionosphere was fixed at 23 o'clock. every day, maximum ionospheric disturbances on daily data is at 12 o'clock. Scientific novelty consists in the study the azimuthal-temporal variations of the ionosphere during active disturbance with the help improved methods for determining the parameters of the ionosphere using observations at the SULP-station. which is a part of ZAKPOS/UA-EUPOS network. Practical significance. If we examine the azimuthal-temporal variations of the ionosphere for one station, we can perform spatial-temporal distribution of the ionosphere for the territory of Ukraine using data from GNSS-stations.

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