Theoretical principles and components of public policy

National academy for public administration under the President of Ukraine

Problem setting. Public policy is a complex phenomenon, because a number of actors are involved in its formation and implementation. The basis of this mechanism of publicity is the development of joint decisions by all participants in the public sphere and the search for compromises. In our opinion, such a mechanism is the basis of publicity of the policy itself as a phenomenon, because it provides openness, transparency of coordination of interests of different actors and the implementation of compromise solutions.

At the same time, the theoretical foundations of public policy require constant analysis of new approaches to the principles of public policy by foreign and domestic scholars, study of features and components of this concept, their relationship and combination, highlighting the importance and role of theoretical justification of public policy in general. These questions are not so simple, because they require the study and analysis of a number of scientific papers.

Recent research and publications analysis. Among the authors who have made the greatest achievements in the study of public policy are J. Anderson, P. Knopfel, H. Arendt, E. Arato, R. Dahl, H. Colebetch, J. Dewey, P. Durand, J. Keane, J. March, P. Mueller, L. Paul, K. Patton, J. Richardson, D. Savitsky, G. Simon, J. Habermas and others. Among Ukrainian scientists – S. Teleshun, O. Demyanchuk, I. Reyterovych, A. Kolodiy, V. Tertychka and others.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Currently, there are several hundred definitions of "public policy" in the scientific literature, but due to differences in approaches to the essence and components of key actors, they are very different from each other, which complicates their use for specific political systems, such as public policy analysis. Of Ukraine. In our opinion, this needs to be considered and analyzed in detail because of its weight and importance, as Ukraine is still in the process of building its own public policy on democratic principles and needs to be completely separated from the communist legacy of the Soviet Union.

The aim of the article is to analyze the main approaches to the theoretical foundations of public policy by foreign and domestic scholars, study the features and components of this concept, their relationship and combination, highlighting the importance and role of theoretical justification of public policy in general.

Paper main body. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the importance for public policy of the presence of clearly defined goals of public policy, its continuity, the role of the processes of interaction of its actors.

The interaction of public policy actors is not a simple coordinated clockwork, but rather a symphony, where each violin plays its part, echoing, competing with others, but - in the end, we hear a continuous melody consisting of the sums of instrumental parts, and identify and trace the role each individual without a score (hint) is almost impossible.

After the proclamation of Ukraine's independence and the start of state-building democracy, the study of public policy began in Ukraine. Representatives of the National Academy of Public Administration [3; Art. 5]. emphasize that public policy is a form of political process that is implemented in public space, supported by information and communication resources and represented by a set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants. In our opinion, this definition most accurately reflects the essence of public policy, but it may be appropriate to add to the definition a clarification of its direction.

Public policy can be defined as a form of political process that is implemented in public space with the support of information and communication resources, is a complex set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants, acting within their own statutory powers, and aimed at solving certain socially important problems or achieving the goal in specific historical conditions and economic and political situation by influencing the behavior of actors.

At the same time, public policy goals must be clearly defined and have criteria for assessing their achievement in the near and distant future.

It should be as transparent as possible, logically intertwined with the system of social life and become part of the overall development plan of the state, characterized by continuity and ability to transform at any stage to make adjustments, increase efficiency and achieve the most socially significant goal.

Public policy is a complex and multi-elemental phenomenon, which is openly formed by agreeing and finding compromises by the main actors in the public sphere.

Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies: 1. Public policy is a form of political process that is implemented in public space with the support of information and communication resources, is a complex set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants, acting within their own statutory powers, and aimed at solving certain socially important problems or achieving the goal in specific historical conditions and economic and political situation by influencing the behavior of actors.

  1. Public policy objectives must be clearly defined and have clear criteria for assessing their achievement in the near and distant
  2. The implementation of public policy can be directed as a reaction to the requests of citizens or the emergence of a certain social problem, which is primarily public rather than Public policy can also be a response to a public issue that reflects the social situation (as amended) and that has been set out by mediators and then discussed in a democratic way. Or, in response to political inquiries or demands made to public authorities by other actors, officials decide whether or not to take any action to address certain issues, which sets the content and direction of public policy.
  3. The components of public policy usually include solutions to public problems, target groups as the basis  of  public  problems,  intended  intentions,  a  number  of  decisions  and  actions,  intervention program, the key role of public figures, formalized acts, more or less coercive nature of decisions and
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