: 76-89
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management and International Business
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management and International Business

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to study the processes of formation of eco-innovation policy at different levels of the global economic system, activation of the eco-innovation policy of various countries, optimization of national eco-innovation activity as a factor of the competitiveness of the national economy; research of corporate eco-innovation policy in the creation of eco-innovation goods.

Design/methodology/approach. The obtained scientific results are based on implementation the systematic approach, logical analysis, and synthesis to develop literature sources to determine methods to solving the problem of forming an eco-innovation policy. On the study of literary sources, the essence is determined and the role of eco-innovation policy is identified with the aim of solving environmental problems facing humanity, promoting the development of science and technology, ensuring competitiveness, economic growth and development. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature, the conducted studies on the problem allow us to conclude that the eco-innovation policy is a set of measures aimed at the effective development of eco-innovation activities and solving challenges caused by environmental problems. The goal of the ecoinnovation policy is in promotion the development of science and technology, increasing eco-innovation activity, which ensures the competitiveness of national products on the world market, improves the environmental situation, etc. This paper also use such research methods as: systematization, comparison, structural design and graphical method.

Findings. To confirm the hypothesis, this article proposes a concept of eco-innovation policy aimed at increasing the eco-innovation landscape, increasing environmental friendliness, efficiency and international competitiveness of national industrial sectors. The systemic concept of eco-innovation policy includes elements of global, international, national, entrepreneurial and interpersonal integration and competition, selfsufficiency in ensuring economic growth and development. We distinguish global (mega-level), international (meta-level), national (macro-level), regional (mezo-level), corporate (micro-level) and anthropological (nanolevel) eco-innovation policies that are mutually determined and coordinated.

Originality/value. A systemic concept of eco-innovation policy has been proposed in this research. It includes elements of global, transnational, national, entrepreneurial and interpersonal integration and competition. According to this concept, the structural model of eco-innovation policy has been developed at different levels of the global eco-innovation system. The role and system of constituent elements of the corporate eco-innovation policy aimed at promoting the development of eco-innovation activities and the creation of eco-innovation goods, ensuring a high level of enterprise competitiveness and solving environmental and economic problems, have been identified and formed.

Practical implications. The proposed systematical concept of eco-innovation policy as well as the structural model of eco-innovation policy are developed according to this concept at different levels of the global eco-innovation system. It will contribute into increasing environmental friendliness, efficiency and international competitiveness of national industries, solving environmental and economic problems. 


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