The cross-border status of Transcarpathia, its multiethnicity is reflected in various spheres of life, including mass communication activities. The article actualizes the issue of the functioning of online media of the ethnic communities in the westernmost region of Ukraine in the context of the development of multicultural information space in the structure of the Ukrainian national media field. The role of ethnic media in informing and supporting traditions and customs, preservation of ethnic consciousness and cultural diversity is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the ethno-national aspect of communication and the important role of Transcarpathian media in the development of native-language communication, which is represented by a wide range of ethnic media (Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Roma, German, Jewish, etc.).
The model of multicultural communication developed in Transcarpathia contributes to the development, including civic identity, a sense of social responsibility for everything that happens in the country, and encourages the local journalistic community to cultivate tolerance, prevent interethnic conflicts, and counter information threats.
Taking into account the complete implementation of the functions of Transcarpathian intercultural communication, the degree of effectiveness of their activities, the article also notes crisis processes in the modern media sphere of Transcarpathia. Some of them are caused by foreign policy circumstances, the war with Russia and informational aggression, problems of intergovernmental interaction, and therefore require special attention, correctness, and competence of journalists. Moreover, the issues of interethnic relations (especially in the educational and linguistic spheres) are strategic, related to national security, harmonious relations between Ukraine and neighboring Western states.
Meanwhile, the online media of Transcarpathian ethnic groups are actively integrated into the intercultural communication system, occupying and maintaining their own segment in it.
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