Founder and Publisher
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Sc.D., Prof. Halyna Klym
Language editions: English
2 issues per year
State Registration Certificate: КВ №22346-12246Р
Lviv Polytechnic National University is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems (ACPS), in 2016.
ACPS will publish timely, novel and high-quality recent results that advance the state of the art and practice in Cyber-Physical Systems, including theoretical principles, tools, applications, systems infrastructure, and test beds for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Cyber-physical Systems are engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled, and integrated by a computing and communication core embedded in all types of objects and structures in the physical environment. Examples of the many Cyber-Physical Systems application areas include the smart electric grid, smart transportation, smart buildings, smart medical technologies, next-generation air traffic management, and advanced manufacturing. Such systems must be operated safely, dependably, securely, efficiently and in real-time. Advances in this field will have great technical, economic and societal impacts in the near future.
Free online full-text access
Volume 10. Number 1, 2025
Papers submission deadline – 20.04.2025
Reviewers review your article – 28.04.2025
Notification of paper acceptance – 02.05.2025
Article published – 30.06.2025
Address for contacts:
Lviv Polytechnic National University
12 S. Bandery Str, 79013, Ukraine