Conference Report Requirements

The report abstracts of 1-2 pages in A4 format should be prepared in the MS WORD for WINDOWS editor.
Font Times New Roman, font size - 11, spacing between lines - 1.1. Margins: left – 18 mm, right – 25 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 27 mm.

The report title structure:

  • surname and initials of the author and co-authors (no more than 3) - in capital letters.
  • The following line is the name of the institution.
  • After two intervals - the report title (all in capital letters, bold style, centered);
  • after two intervals - the body text of the report.

Use APA style for references list. The location of the sources in the list should be to the extent of the reference in the text.

The report should be sent to the conference email: