Mathematical models and methods of optimization of technological heating regimes of the piecewise homogeneous glass shell. State-of-the-art investigations

: pp. 140-153
Received: July 01, 2015

Math. Model. Comput. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 140-153 (2015)

Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Opole University of Technology
Centre of Mathematical Modelling IAPMM of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In this paper, the state-of-the-art investigations of optimization problems with respect to the stress state of technological heating regimes for piecewise-homogeneous glass shell elements have been analysed, which are important for development of different types of production processes during production of elements of modern devices for specific target application, in particular, vacuum and power equipment. The directions of development of this class of problems of optimization and corresponding approaches to their formulation and solving are identified.

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