The power of metaheuristic algorithms for robotics: singularity & trajectory

: pp. 946–953
Received: January 07, 2024
Revised: August 16, 2024
Accepted: September 02, 2024

Harrade I., Kmich M., Sayyouri M., Chalh Z.  The power of metaheuristic algorithms for robotics: singularity & trajectory. Mathematical Modeling and Computing. Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 946–953 (2024)

National School of Applied Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fez University, Engineering Systems and Applications Laboratory, Fez, Morocco
National School of Applied Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fez University, Engineering Systems and Applications Laboratory, Fez, Morocco
National School of Applied Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fez University, Engineering Systems and Applications Laboratory, Fez, Morocco
National School of Applied Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fez University, Engineering Systems and Applications Laboratory, Fez, Morocco

When calculating the kinematic model of any kind of robot, parallel or planar, the singularity problem frequently crops up.  We propose the application of metaheuristic algorithms to identify the needed target to solve this issue and minimize calculus.  Simulation results using several metaheuristic algorithms (MA) on the same population have been obtained with reduced computing time (0.50 s).  The efficacy of the suggested technique for maximizing the position and trajectory of the joints in a 3-DOF or 3-RRR (with three rotational degrees of freedom) planar parallel manipulator robot is amply illustrated by them.  The sine-cosine algorithm (SCA) and certain target points are essentially the basis of the method, which determines the optimal desired path.  These outcomes show how well the suggested strategy works for maximizing calculations, positions, and the ideal robot trajectory.

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