: 144-152
Department of Architectural Environment Design
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of architectural environment design

The article highlights the prospects of using 3D printing technology for the construction of residential buildings in Ukraine. The origin and initial use of 3D printing technology in the construction industry took place in the 80s of the last centuries. The first house project was implemented using 3D printing in 2014. The author cites data from Grand View Research showing a significant growth in the global 3D printing market, which is due to active research and development of three-dimensional printing and growing demand in the world. The article provides examples of global experience in the implementation of houses using 3D printing, namely the habitat for sustainable living by the Italian company WASP© 3D Natives under the TECLA project. The advantage of this project is the integration of local resources for the implementation of the object. This approach is environmentally friendly and speeds up the construction process. The article also describes and analyses the C3PO project by Kamp C. The house was 3D printed by the German COBOD BOD2 printer. The article highlights a number of features and advantages of the COBOD BOD2 printer. The article presents the Dutch experience of 3D printing a building. The project of a house in Eindhoven is called Milestone. The advantage of this example of building a house with a 3D printer is the ability to print the entire building without the need for secondary structures and the cost-effectiveness of the exterior and interior of the building. The article discusses the largest 3D printed building in Dubai. This version used local materials and efficient insulation to reduce energy consumption. The building was printed in extreme conditions. The scale of the building makes it possible to quickly address mass needs. Based on the material covered, the author summarizes the positive experience and successful integration of 3D printing technology in the construction of residential buildings, highlights a number of advantages and disadvantages of this technology and the prospects for its use in Ukraine

Dvorkin L. Y., Zhitkovskyi V. V., Stepasyuk Yu. O., Marchuk V. V. (2020) Effective construction solutions for 3D printers. Building materials and products. No. 1-2(101), pp. 16-21.

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Savytskyi M. V., Konoplianyk O. Yu., Myslitska A. O., Lyasota O. V. (2020) Determination of physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete for 3D printing of building structures. Bulletin of the Dnipro State Academy of Construction and Architecture. 2020. No. 2 (263-264), pp. 59-68.

Shatov, S. V., Matsenko, O. M., Skrypka, E. O., & Danylenko, I. O. (2021). Ecological and economic advantages of the transition to 3d printing of construction objects in the direction of industry 4.0. Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture, No. 1(001), p. 124-131

PRAGMATIKA.MEDIA blog. Article "Reducing costs, saving time and reducing waste - can 3D printing change the architecture of residential buildings". [Bloh kompanii PRAGMATIKA.MEDIA. Stattia «Skorochennia vytrat, ekonomiia chasu ta zmenshennia vidkhodiv — chy mozhe 3D-druk zminyty arkhitekturu zhytlovykh budynkiv».]. Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

"Grand View Research is an Indian and American research and consulting company registered in the state of California and headquartered in San Francisco. [«Grand View Research» tse indiiska ta amerykanska doslidnytska ta konsaltynhova kompaniia, zareiestrovana v shtati Kaliforniia zi shtab-kvartyroiu v San-Frantsysko.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

Transparency Market Research is a market research consulting firm - 3D Printing in Construction Market Research (2020). [Transparency Market Research tse konsaltynhova firma z marketynhovykh doslidzhen – Doslidzhennia 3D Printing in Construction Market (2020).] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

The official page of Weber Beamix - TECLA Project. [Ofitsiina storinka kompanii Weber Beamix – Proekt TECLA.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

The official website of COBOD is the KIEM project. [Ofitsiina storinka kompanii COBOD - proekt KIEM.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

Official page of the COBOD company - COBOD BOD2 3D printer. [Ofitsiina storinka kompanii COBOD - 3D pryntera COBOD BOD2.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

The official page of WASP© 3D Natives - Project Milestone. [Ofitsiina storinka kompanii WASP© 3D Natives – Proekt Milestone.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

The official website of Apis Cor. [Ofitsiina storinka kompanii Apis Cor.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]:

"Business Insider is an American business and technology news website. [«Business Insider» amerykanskyi novynnyi veb-sait biznesu ta tekhnolohii.] Electronic access [Elektronnyi dostup]: