Оптимальне розташування вирівнювальної пластини в конструкції дифузора для підвищення тискових та витратних характеристик вентиляційних систем


Гулай Б. І., Миронюк Х. В., Омельчук О. В., Шепітчак В. Б. / Gulay B. І., Myronyuk H. V., Omelchuk O. V., Shepitchak V. B.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції,
кафедра цивільної безпеки

At work investigates the incoming flow and its alignment to the ventilation system elements, located directly outside a radial fan. The efficiency of the ventilation system depends on the improvement of its aerodynamic components. Of great importance are placed the elements directly outside a radial fan. The attention paid to the improvement in work mode energy efficiency of ventilation systems alignment the incoming flow of radial fan the variable modes of its work. In the article experimental studies determined the optimal location of the line-up plate in the design of the diffuser to improve the characteristics of pressure and supplies ventilation systems. These studies carried out depending on the distance from the location of line-up plate side wraps fan and hollow plate in the fan casing outlet, increasing its relative length.
The research results can be used to improve the energy efficiency of ventilation systems with radial fans. An effective means of improving the performance of air and pressure in ventilation systems, improving their structural elements situated after the discharge pipe radial fan. The dependencies impact location leveling plate in the diffuser attached directly to the radial fan to change the aerodynamic characteristics of the ventilation system


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