Documentation of building research by fotogrammetry

Nič M. Documentation of building research by fotogrammetry / Milan Nič, Veronika Sojková // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2013. – № 756 : Теорія і практика будівництва. – С. 176–184. – Bibliography: 4 titles.


Nič M., Sojková V.

This paper describes the creation of documentation of building exploration by close photogrammetry method. It describes the content and purpose of researches and it summarizes the development of graphic documentation researches. The introduction of digital photography has increased the possibility of using photogrammetry for the measurement of geometric parameters of existing buildings. This method can be effectively used in the case of unpreserved final building documentation.

1. Neufert, E.: Building designing. Prague: Publisher Consultinvest, 2000. ISBN 80-901486-6-6 2. (In Czech).
2. Bradáč, A. et al: Forensic engineering. Academic publisher CERM, s.r.o. Brno June 1997. ISBN 80-7204-057-X. (In Slovak).
3. Fraštia, M.: Digital camera calibration and testing for close photogrammetry application. Bratislava: SUT in Bratislava, Faculty of civil engineering, 2008. 114p. (Edition of scientific works, no. 52. ISBN 978-80-227-2812-6.(In Slovak).
4. Fraštia, M: Close photogrammetry and its applications and tools. In: 19th Slovak geodetic days [electronic source]: Proceedings of papers. Žilina, SR, 3.-4. 11. 2011. Bratislava. Chamber of Geodesists and Cartographers- ISBN 978-80-969809-8-7.(In Slovak).