Application of remote sensing methods to evaluation of soil fertility indicators of Zakarpattia lands

National Aviation University

Aim. Identification and evaluation of the soil fertility indicators based on processing of the data of on-ground and remote sensing research on the agricultural lands of different landscape zones in Zakarpattia. Меthodology. The proposed methodology of the laws of physics that describe the relation between the content of humus in soil and spectral energy brightness of soil which is interpreted based on multi-spectral aerospace images, includes three research approaches. The first approach refers to research and identification of statistical linear dependencies of the actual humus level in soil and the spectral energy brightness of soil which was obtained based on processing of the multi-spectral aerospace images. The second approach lies in developing new models that are based on linear dependencies of the actual humus level in soil and the spectral energy brightness of soil and infrared electromagnetic of electromagnetic emission. The third approach is founded on application of degree models that in the best manner describe such dependence. From the point of view of mathematics, importance of the three stages was validated using identification of significance for the correlation coefficients, confidence intervals, mean square deviations of the calculated humus level indicator from the actual humus level indicator, and application of the Fisher coefficient. Findings. In the course of identification and research of statistical linear dependencies of spectral brightness of channels and the relevant humus level indicators in soil it was investigated that the closest inverse linear dependence was detected in the red (Red) spectral channel of the visible range. In application of the second approach, it was revealed that to identify and evaluate the humus level in soil the model which mediates the red and infrared spectral channels based on the relation of the close infrared channel to the red channel, is the most appropriate. As a result of trial of the third approach it was determined that application of power law model includes only the red spectral channel. Scientific novelty. It was stated that using the data on remote sensing of the Earth to identify and evaluate the quantitative indicators of humus level content in soil in the landscape areas of Zakarpattia it is most appropriate to apply the models designed based on the data on spectral energy brightness in the visible and infrared spectral ranges, since the mean square deviation of the estimated humus content level in soil from the actual humus level indicator in these models is minimal, whereas the probability is the highest. Practical significance. This approach enables quick and reliable collection of information on the quantitative indicators of the humus level content in soil for rational managerial decision-making on applicability agrotechnical means to for prevention of soil fertility reduction in relation to landscape zones of Zakarpattia.

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