fly ash

X-ray fluorescence method and thermal analysis of concrete prepared based on a share of fly ash and various chemical admixtures

The utilization of fly ash in concrete as partial cement replacement has many benefits. It leads to increase of a binder´s amount and improves workability (pumpability, keepability and others) of fresh concrete, as fly ash behaves as a solid fluidifier. Application of fly ash in combination with a fluidifier is very effective, because it improves the workability of fresh concrete significantly. Regarding characteristics of lower class fresh concrete the main benefit of fly ash utilization with fluidifier is complement of fine binder, especially particles up to 0,25mm.

Фіброармовані самоущільнювальні бетони з високим вмістом золи винесення

The possibility of obtaining Self-Compacting Concrete with a large amount of supplementary cementitious materials, including fly ash is shown in this article. Research results of rheological properties of fiber reinforced Self-Compacting Concretes with high volume of fly ash and chemical admixtures, which regulate fluidity and viscosity of concrete mixes, are shown. It was established that the replacement of 55, 70 and 85 wt. % of binder with fly ash allows to obtain Self-Compacting Concrete mixes with the consistency class SF2, viscosity T500 = 5 s and the volume of entrained air 0,4 %.

Low Energy Consuming Modified Composite Cements and their Properties

 It has been shown that in the conditions of aggravation of ecological problems, shortage of high-quality raw materials for the production of Portland cement clinker a promising direction of cement industry development is more extensive waste utilization as well as production of low energy consuming cement clinker and modified composite cements, characterized by high content of active mineral additives.

Pozzolanic Activity Diagnostics of Fly Ash for Portland Cement

The work deals with the analysis and evaluation of different methods of pozzolanic activity determination in order to rationally use ash in cement. The most optimum diagnostic method has been suggested. The possibility of increasing fluidal fly ash activity has been established using the synthetic nanosilica.