
Configuring the Structure of the Serverless System for Efficient Data Collection

Due to the constant development of information technology and the increasing volume of digital data, the concept of serverless systems has become relevant and promising in the field of software development. Serverless systems, also known as Serverless, are a new approach to deploying and managing applications. Developers can focus on developing functions without spending extra time managing servers and infrastructure. This approach is appropriate for various applications, including data processing, and is particularly useful for collecting and processing specialized data.

WifiZoneCloud: A Cloud-Based Wi-Fi Hotspot Platform

Today, there are millions of Wi-Fi hotspots available by diverse service providers such as operators, public spaces, enterprises, and even cities. With the developments on OpenRoaming approach, cloud federation, automatic global roaming, efficient user onboarding and network automation have become important requirements for stakeholders within the ecosystem.

Algorithms of the route search based on criteria of minimum delayfor data center

This paper is devoted to the problem of increasing of services provisioning speed in networks with cloud technology. Under the services provisioniong speed it is meant ensuring of the lowest service provisioning latency, i.e. decreasing processing time of the requests, which are arriving for the service to the data-center. Data-center hast to ensure a unified information resource with guaranteed levels of authenticity, availability and security of the data.