
Розроблення автоматизованої системи обліку продукції

Розроблено програмне забезпечення для реалізації системи обліку продукції на виробництві. Розглянуто алгоритми обробки зображень, на яких ґрунтується робота системи. Описано інтерфейс програмного продукту та результати його роботи.

In this paper software for releasing of system for accounting of industrial goodsis developed. Algorythms of images processing is discussed. User interface of software is presented.

Application of mathematical morphology methods in terms of erosive processes research using aerial photography materials

Object of study. Planned distribution establishment of erosive “spots” of the agricultural lands is based on the processing of binary images of aerial photographic materials using morphological and planimetric methods of analysis. Methodology. Offered methodology is based on the non-linear operators’ application.

Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of 3D coordinates determination subsystem by using modified method of stereopairs

The question of determining three-dimensional coordinates of a visual object (aircraft) arises in the air and runway areas of airports where radar systems are ineffective. The main objective of the work is to develop and improve basic algorithms and basic hardware structures for optimal calculation of three-dimensional coordinates of a visual object in real time.