
Polymerization of Isoprene in Ethylacetate in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide

Orders by monomer and initiator at polymerization of isoprene in solution of ethylacetate under the action of hydrogen peroxide have been determined. The order by monomer is equal to 1.49 ± 0.03, by initiator – 0.46 ± 0.05. Unlike polymerization in solution of isopropyl alcohol, a process in ethylacetate proceeds in homogeneous solution.

The Influence of Chemical Structure of Chromophore on Polymerization of Methacrylic Azomonomers

Methacrylic azomonomers based on para-aminoacetanilide suitable for preparation of liquid crystal (LC) photoaligning functionalized polymers were synthesized. Azofragments include various aromatic rings: benzene, naphthalene, 8-oxyquinoline, and thiazole derivatives. The kinetics of polymerization of synthesized azomonomers was studied. Efficient polymerization constants K of thermo-induced radical polymerization are presented. The relative activities r1 and r2 were calculated by the Fineman-Ross method.