
Advanced Research on the Production, Transportation and Processing of High Waxy Oil. A Review

Global demand for crude oil has grown significantly over the past two decades. However, conventional light crude oil production is declining, and more and more deposits of heavy and waxy oil, including high waxy ones, are being developed, creating new technological challenges at every level of the process, from production to transportation and refining. Among the various problems, the main one is wax deposition. Since the costs of maintenance, repair, and achieving the required low-temperature properties of commercial oil products are very high, solving this problem becomes critical.

On detection of gas accumulations in dense sandstones with mobile geophysical methods

Purpose. The results of the application of frequency-resonance technology of remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation and geoelectric methods of forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS) for gas accumulations searching in tight sandstones of Dnieper-Donetsk basin (DDB) are analyzed. Design/methodology/approach.

Estimation of hydrocarbon potential of the perspective structures in Barents sea

Purpose. The results of the hydrocarbon (HC) potential assessment of some structures and fields in Barents Sea by the frequency resonance method of the remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation are discussed. Design/methodology/approach. Experiments were carried out with the mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of remote sensing data using, which is the "direct" method of mineral deposits exploration and operates within the "substantial" paradigm of geophysical investigations.