виконавча влада

Аспекти процесуального права в політико-правових поглядах С. Ю. Десницького

Розглянуто внесок С. Ю. Десницького в дослідження та розроблення аспектів
реформування державно-політичного устрою та судової системи в другій половині XVIII
ст., а також про місце та принципи процесуального права у функціонуванні державно-
правового механізму.

Special principles of the executive authority functioning

The article examines the types of principles for the functioning of the executive branch. The signs of the principles of executive power are formulated. They are divided into two types: general (constitutional) and special. The latter include: the secondary character of the executive power, a single centralized structure, the distribution of powers among the levels of executive power, accountability and control of power.

Сompetence as the legal status enforcement authorities

The article is devoted to the competence of the executive authorities, as element of their legal status, which is one of the most important issues of administrative law related to the organization of activity of bodies of state power, especially Executive power, and that requires a serious scientific understanding and integrated analysis of a standard material.