method of analysis of hierarchies

Modeling of Territorial Community Development Processes

Local development of a certain area is formed under the influence of many criteria. The rapid pace of globalization of the world economy is one of the criteria that significantly affect the formation of new trends and patterns of local development. The manifestation of this criterion can be seen in the strengthening of the role of communities in the economic development of certain territories and countries. The Ukrainian state is already one of several countries whose societies have understood and accepted the importance of community interest in direct participation in local development.

Вибір способу представлення знань у інформаційній системі дистанційного бібліотечного обслуговування осіб із особливими потребами

The methods of knowledge representation are analysed. It offers to use the method of analysis of hierarchies for electing the method of knowledge representation in the information system of users service with of the special needs, basd on scales of objects, got by the method of expert evaluation. With results calculations it is determined are ontological approach as most comfortable method of knowledge representation, that is flexible and easily adapts to the changes that certainly appear in the process of information of the supports users category.