адвокатська етика

Inacceptability of influence by prosecutors and lawyers on the activities of judges

  Abstract. Prosecutors and lawyers, whose work involves ensuring the application of the law and, at the same time, diligently respecting court decisions, the enforcement of which is often their duty, must protect the right to appeal during their execution. It is clear that the reverse is also true: judges must respect prosecutors as representatives of these professional bodies and not interfere with the performance of their duties.

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the study of the moral basis of the institute of advocacy

The article defines the essence of legal ethics as certain components, namely: a) the purpose (mission) of a lawyer is to protect the interests of his client, providing him with the necessary professional legal assistance, which must be provided continuously and at the appropriate professional level.

Legal regulation of attorney's participation in the civil process of Ukraine

The legislation governing the participation of a lawyer in the civil process of Ukraine has been analyzed. The activity of lawyers as a legal institute, which stands for the protection of citizens' rights and reflects the state and level of democracy in the country, is elaborated. Considering how stable it is, has a clear organization, is governed by the laws and is protected depends largely on the confidence of each member of society in their well-being and in the success of their business activities.

Моральні засади діяльності в Україні та ЄС інституту адвокатури в Україні та ЄС

У статті комплексно, на основі ґрунтовного аналізу значного масиву джерельної
бази, проаналізовано особливості формування моральних засад діяльності інституту
адвокатури в Україні та ЄС. Визначено зміст адвокатської етики: адвокат захищає
інтереси свого клієнта; використовує тільки ті засоби і способи захисту, які передбачені
законом; володіє такими якостями своєї професії які не мають псувати його імідж.
Сформульовано модель юриста, що повинна відповідати таким вимогам: високий