
About active, passive and resultative construction in Ukrainian professional texts against a background of the other languages

The article compares a classic example of syntactic constructions in 5 languages, specifically, English, German, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian. These constructions express 1) terminative transitive action, 2) resulting event and 3) being in a resulting state. It’s demonstrated that if a language has the category of voice, active and passive constructions are used to represent the same action or event from two different viewpoints, whereas Ukrainian two-component constructions with passive adjectival represent resulting state, i.e. they are resulting and not passive.

Terms of Ukrainian language education at the stage of harmonization

In the article terms of Ukrainian language education are considered in the context of term harmonization. Ukrainian terms are described in the contrastive aspect against their English, Polish and Russian equivalents. Difficulties that accompany terminology harmonization are distinguished.