
Development prospects for the Ukrainian road market for cargo transport - SWOT / TOWS analysis

Artykuł prezentuje analizę strategiczną ukraińskiego rynku drogowego transportu ładunków dla okresu sprzed wojny i w perspektywie jej zakończenia, tj. dla okresu po wojnie. W tym celu analizą objęto takie obszary jak sam rynek, tu głównie popyt i tabor, a także jego otoczenie, tu krajowe i międzynarodowe uregulowania prawne i infrastruktura. Natomiast dla okresu powojennego uwzględniono potencjalną skalę zniszczeń, deklarowaną pomoc materialną ze strony innych państw, a także perspektywy wejścia Ukrainy do Unii Europejskiej.

Forecasting fuel consumption in means of transport with the use of machine learning

Transport is a key factor influencing greenhouse gas emissions. In relation to this, the issues and challenges facing the transport industry were presented. The issues of challenges for the transport industry related to the European Green Deal were discussed. It discussed how the transport system is critical for European companies and global supply chains. The issues related to the exposure of society to costs are presented: greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. The article deals with the issues of managing transport processes in an enterprise.

Problems of providing transport security of Ukraine: regulatory background

Problem setting. Despite the enormous number of human casualties in transport accidents, as well as the enormous human toll, it is important to recognize the importance of transport safety. Unfortunately, for the time being, neither the authorities nor the public have this understanding. In particular, this is evidenced by the fact that there are practically no regulatory acts that are directly aimed at solving the problem of transport safety. There is no transport safety law, no proper concept and strategy for transport safety.


The analysis of international rankings of logistic infrastructure by country and region,
analysis of the place of Ukraine in these rankings are made in the article. In particular,
Logistics Performance Index (LPI) shows that Ukraine performs one and a half worse than the
leader – Germany. Ukraine shows a negative trend of LPI even against countries with lower
average incomes. The undisputed leader in this group is India. Ukraine occupies only 35th
place in accordance with the index of developing logistics markets, according to the Agility