екологічний менеджмент

Domestic and Foreign Experience in the Development of Management Systems of Recreation Enterprises

The article presents a comprehensive examination of domestic and international experiences in developing management systems for recreational enterprises. A thorough comparative analysis was conducted, focusing on approaches to managing recreational enterprises in Europe (with case studies from Italy, Spain, and France), the United States, and Asia (exemplified by Japan, Singapore, and South Korea). This analysis facilitated the identification of strengths, weaknesses, and both shared and distinctive features when compared to domestic practices.

Using a fuzzy impact assessment for the environment quality evaluation

The aim of the research is to develop fuzzy impact models of the natural and anthropogenic influence, which allows to integrate different physical factors, which makes it possible to bring them to a single environmental assessment system and comparison of different assessed areas. Methodology. The basis of the proposed modeling is a traditional approach on the development of such models, which includes conceptual, logical and physical modeling levels.