
Legal aspects of cybersecurity in Ukraine: current challenges and the role of national legislation

Summary. The article identifies the peculiarities of the current state of cybersecurity in Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of applying effective legislation aimed at protecting the cyber structure, as well as choosing the best tools and mechanisms to combat cyber threats.

Модель системи протидії вторгненням в інформаційних системах

The article proposes a model of intrusion detection systems (IDS), which reflects the main
processes that take place in the system in order to optimize the processes of anti-intrusion. Such
processes in general can be represented as processes of allocation and use of resources that are
allocated for the protection of information. The use of modeling techniques to ensure the
appropriate level of information security has led to the development of many formal security

NATO’s Role in Ensuring Energy Security in the Conditions of Changes in the Global Energy Landscape (Research Article)

The article identifies key problems on the path of energy security and the role of NATO in solving them. The Alliance’s position on the energy issue has been determined. The documents of the NATO summits in Bucharest in 2008, in Chicago in 2012, and the NATO 2010 Strategic Concept have been analyzed. It turned out that the Alliance has divided its role into three areas: raising awareness; protecting critical energy infrastructure and deepening energy efficiency in the military. The role of Centers of Excellence, their specialization, and goals have been investigated.