
Sanitary and hygienic examination as a form for the profilaction of food loads

Sanitary and hygienic examination of food products and food raw materials is an
important means of food poisoning preventing among the Ukrainian population. At the heart
of the indicators of their safety are the permitted levels of the content of hazardous to health
and life of substances of chemical and biological origin. Sanitary and hygienic measures
require further improvement at the legislative level.

Conceptual going near determination of concept and maintenance of prophylaxis (warning) of crimes in criminally-executive establishments

In the article concept and maintenance of warning of crimes are exposed in кримнально-виконавчих establishments. Certainly basic task in relation to prevention of such crime. The Government programs are analysed in relation to counteraction to criminality in Ukraine. Home and international normatively-legal acts are considered in relation to prevention of пенітенціарної crime.

Operative search of prevention of crimes that is accomplished organized by criminal groups

In the article the question of activity of operative subdivisions of ОВС is considered in relation to prevention of crimes. that accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic directions and forms of operatively-search prevention of the marked criminal activity are certain.

Operative search of prevention of crimes that is accomplished organized by criminal groups

In the article the question of activity of operative subdivisions of ОВС is considered in relation to prevention of crimes. that accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic directions and forms of operatively-search prevention of the marked criminal activity are certain.