Human being has the most significant influence on the landscape, especially with laws created by him and for their usage. In Poland, in January 2017, the bill, which allowed nearly unlimited cutting of trees that are not intended for economic activity on private plots of land, came into force. The main argument for discarding high greenery protection, was, above all, giving owners full, unrestricted use of their property. With this line of thinking, it could be assumed that all building restrictions are unnecessary. In short period of time many environmentally valuable, age-old trees ceased to exist, because they were cut down by property owners. In many places this process changed streets and urban landscape. Until the end of 2016, it was mandatory to have a permit from municipality to cut a tree, no matter where it grew. This permit also defined what was needed to be done in exchange for removal of high greenery. In most cases those were either specific amount of money that needed to be paid on municipality account, or suitable number of new trees of native value that needed to be planted. It was a common practice that cutting down one or two trees required planting several new ones. Man-made laws often have irreversible consequences, in this case, several dozen or even several hundred years old trees ceased to exist.

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