
Monitoring of indoor air in the apartment

Apartment occupants have a major impact on indoor air quality. Indoor air pollution includes water vapour, carbon dioxide and other gases due to respiration and bodily odours. Negative impact they have from brought in by clothing and footwear or becomes whirled up from floors, carpets etc. In this article presents the experimental measurement of indoor air quality, mainly concentration of carbon dioxide, air temperature and relative humidity. Indoor air parameters are recorded during 24 hour per every day the all week.

Determination of the volume air exchange in the apartment

Currently in the building industry is trend to build buildings consuming little energy. For the aim reducing heat loss buildings they are building insulated and also air tightness of buildings increases.. By improving the air tightness of buildings, there is a change of indoor air quality in buildings. Without natural or mechanical of ventilation there is a significant deterioration of indoor air quality. For the raising of quality indoor air is optimal system with demand-controlled ventilation using sensing of carbon dioxide.