
Features of the Implementation of Micro-Interfaces in Information Systems

Microservices are a software development technique, or variant of the service-oriented architecture structural style, that organizes an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. The purpose of the work is to study the methodology for the design and implementation of information systems using micro-interfaces in order to improve the quality and speed of their development and facilitate their use. The article proposes a method of transforming the software system architecture from monolithic to microservice architecture.

An Approach to Improving Availability of Microservices for Cyber-Physical Systems

The design of modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) connects physical and digital realms from cloud systems to edge devices. Microservice architecture has been widely used for IT solutions and emerges as a promising approach for supporting CPS that are more efficient, adaptable, and interconnected. However, there is an increasing need to improve the availability, reliability, and resilience of microservice systems according to the needs. This paper summarizes the challenges and drawbacks of microservice architecture used for CPS.


Microservices is an architectural style in software development that involves constructing a big solution using small, self-contained services. A set of services are connected via well-defined APIs and work together like a coherent system. The application of microservices architecture spans a wide range of domains, e.g., healthcare, finance, government, military, gaming, and entertainment. This article analyzes existing project architecture approaches for Node.js, and improves scalable project architecture for Node.js using shared dependencies.

Assessing the Human Condition in Medical Cyber-Physical System Based on Microservices Architecture

The goal of the work is to propose architectural and information model for assessing the human condition on the basis of microservice architecture in medical cyber-physical system, which, in contrast to the known models for assessing the human condition, can simultaneously provide scaling, fault tolerance and increase the speed of human condition assessment. The theoretical substantiation and the new decision of an actual scientific problem of development and research means of an estimation of a human condition in medical cyber-physical system have been considered.