complex approach

Ratio methods and methodological approaches in the science of law

In the article is analyzed the essence of the correlation of the method and methodological approach in the study. The author investigates various arsenal of research tools and pay attention to the multiplicity of theoretical entities within the general theory of law and the need for a unified theoretical and methodological basis of research, the importance of fusion research areas in an integrated theoretical system.


The  possibility  of  using  the  organizational  development  management  as  the  basis  for implementing innovations within the framework of proactive management at the enterprise is justified.  The  subject  and  the  object  of  the  organizational  development  management  are determined.  Approaches  to  the  organizational  development  management  are  analysed;  the complex approach is selected. The subsystems of the organizational development management system  are  described.  The  basic  principles  of  the  organizational  development  management concept are determined.