Computer Design Systems. Theory and Practice

The magazine is the legal successor of the collection of scientific works "Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". Series: "Computer systems of design. Theory and practice". It is included in the list of specialized publications of Ukraine, Category B (Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 10.10.2022 No. 894), in which the materials of dissertations in the field of technical sciences are printed, in particular 122 Computer sciences and information technologies, as well as 123 Computer engineering.

The Scientific journal addresses the theory and practice of modeling complex objects, processes and systems, as well as the development and use of computer-aided design software.

For researchers, engineers, graduate students and senior students, as well as designers and users of computer-aided design systems.

Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.

The editorial board of the journal “Computer Design Systems. Theory and Practice” is guided by the international ethics of scientific publications and is pursuing an open-access policy. All articles submitted to the editorial board are obligatory reviewed and verifiable for plagiarism.»