Essence, classification and functions of social services in Ukraine

: pp. 118 - 128
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Formulation of the problem. The extensive social policy of Ukraine, inherited from Soviet times, in particular due to the manifestation of the state’s concern for its citizens by providing a large number of benefits, subsidies and social advantages without taking into account the financial capabilities of the budget, poses a threat to the economic stability of Ukraine. This is especially evident now,  when the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine caused additional large-scale challenges to the system of social protection and social security of the population. Citizens have found themselves in difficult life circumstances and unable to partially or fully provide for themselves and their family members, which has caused and continues to cause irreparable damage to the social security of Ukraine. All these and other arguments determine the need to review the components of the current social system to ensure opportunities for a person to live a full and independent life.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Social services are seen throughout the world as a necessary function of society and a mechanism by which governments can address societal problems. The study of the essence of the term “social service” in the international context shows that its interpretation in a specific country is determined by its history, cultural features, political system and level of economic development. The results of the study of the essence of this concept in the scientific works of Ukrainian scientists testify to the consideration of social services as activities or actions organized by relevant institutions for the benefit of an individual or a family, the ultimate goal of which is the opportunity to lead a full, dignified life.

Presenting main material. The article analyses the Law of Ukraine “On Social Services”, defines the essence of the concept of “social service”, and classifies social services in accordance with legislative and regulatory documents. It is proposed to supplement the existing classification with a sign of individual needs of recipients of these services.

The functions of social services are defined, which should warn, mitigate or protect a person from the consequences of negative social phenomena. The proposed functions make it possible to: study the reasons preventing the achievement of the desired level of social security or stability of individuals and families; determine the factors that contribute to the successful removal of these individuals or families from crisis situations.

The definition of “social service” is formulated based on the results of the research.

Conclusions. The purpose of providing social services is to improve the quality of human life, resist demographic changes, increase the level of social protection, help reduce poverty, and overcome discrimination in all its forms. The guarantee and prerequisite for the establishment of an effective institutional system of providing social services is the adequate establishment of their essence, classification and definition of the functions they must perform in the system of social protection and social security of the population.

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