: 53-63
National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

This article is devoted to the solution of a new topical scientific task regarding the formation of a methodology for the construction of prospective secure special purpose information communication networks. The construction architecture was analyzed and a new classification of information communication networks by functional decomposition was presented for the first time. The content of the structural components of the network at the level of "network", "system", "information communication networks" has been determined. A new functional description of the image of a promising network and its quality has been developed. Based on the analysis of international and special standards, the first proposed decomposition of the scope of application in information communication networks of special purpose networks is presented. New scientific approaches to the design of special-purpose protected information communication networks are proposed, which include functional-structural and structural-functional approaches. According to the proposed approaches, the work presents a list and description of models for building special-purpose information communication networks. Their content, application limitations, advantages and disadvantages of individual models are revealed. A new scientific task of designing a promising special purpose secure information communication network based on public access channels was formed and its general description was given.

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