About Instruments for marking of Points on Aerophotographs

Lviv Polytechnic National University

1. Vajbreht O. Ustrojstvo dlja markirovki tochechnyh izobrazhenij na fotogrammah. Referat, zhurnal «Geodezija», 1968. .№ 5. 5.52.139P.

2. Maljavskij B. K., Fedorovskij B. I. Fotopristavka k stereokomparatoru SK-2 dlja izmerenija koordinat odnokaretochnym sposobom. «Geodezija i kartografija». № 1. 1964.

3. V. F. Markov. K voprosu o stereotopograficheskoj s#emke v masshtabe 1 : 2000. «Geodezija i kartografija», № 6, 1966.

4. Fotogrammetricheskie metody sgushhenija opornoj seti. Tr. CNIIGAnK. vyp. 172. «Nedra», M.. 1967.

5. Ackermann F. A progress report on the practice of analytical aerial triangulation on commercial base with Pricking Device and Mono-Comparator in Japan. «Pbotogrammetria», 19, N 7, 1962—1964.

6. Vrusklaeher W. Instruments for marking natural points and producing artificial points in the preparation of aerial photography for aerotriangulation. «Photogramm. Engng», 1963, 29, N 5.

7. Demeter E. Latest advantageces in automatic mapping. «Photogramm. Engng», 1963, 29, N 6.

8. Dvorin M. The C-D method of point marking. «Photogramm. Engng.», 1966. 32. N 6.

9. Eden J. Measuring instruments for analytical photogrammetrv. «Conf. Common-wealth Surv. Officers, 1963. Part. 1». London. H.M.S.O. 1964.

10. Hempenіus S. Physical investigations on pricked points used in aerial triangulation. «Photogrammetria», 1962—1964. 19. N- 7.

11. Korhonen U. The influence of the relative orientation and scale transfer on tne coordinates determined by the analytical aerial triangulation. «Maanmittaus», 40. 1—2. 1965.

12. Roos M. Varyscale Stereo Point Marking Instrument. «Photogramm. Engng», 1967, 33, N 11.

13. Scogings D. Some bridging attachments for the Wild A-8 stereoplotter. «S. Afric. F. Photogram», 1967, 3, N 1.

14. Suzuki T., Kakishita S., Mori K. Results of the precise aerial triangulation for the national large scale mapping project. «Bull. Geogr. Surv. Insts», 1964, 9, N 1—2.

15. Visser F. Tests on the precision of observing plate-coordinates and parallaxes in a stereocomparator a) on artificial points; b) on signalized points. «Photo-grammetria», 1962—1964, 19, N 7.

16. Zafіgoff P. Aerotriangulation am Stereometrographen mit Künstlichen Ravpunkten und blockweiser-Ausgleichung. «Vermessungstechnik», 1966, 16, N 2.